Tuesday, August 7, 2018

My own drummer

I’ve been thinking about something recently. Whenever I finish a project (usually a big project), I get the same questions from people. 

1. What are you going to do with it?

2. Are you going to sell it?

I never quite know how to answer them in a way that will satisfy them. I usually end up mumbling something about not planning to sell it or “do” anything with it. Inside I’m thinking, I did it because it didn’t exist before. It wanted to be made so I made it. Sometimes I make something that starts out as a doodle or a learning piece - I want to learn a new technique and you learn new techniques by doing the new technique until it becomes yours, a tool in your toolbox. 

I don’t see them as my “baby” that I can’t be parted from. If I could make a living from it, I’d be all over that. I don’t have that luxury or issue. 

I display them in different ways, I enjoy them and I don’t see a need to ask more of a project than that. 

I sometimes find our culture a bit weird and muddling, feeling like we have to monetize everything. Everything has to pay for itself. I guess that’s just the sound of my own drummer that I seemed to have marched to all my life. And I’m okay with that. 

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