I finished my self-designed Victorian bag so I only lack sewing in the lining. I did a lining but the material was a little heavy so I’m going to change it out. I’m pleased with how it came out. A weird thing happened with the beads and thread at the beginning of the piece. It’s knit from the top of one side, increasing beads as you go down and then worked back up the other side. On the top section of the beginning, somehow the beads seemed to bleed onto the cotton. I’ve never had that happen before so don’t know really what happened and it didn’t happen on the rest of the work. Giving it a good soak in soapy water seems to have gotten most of the color out of the cotton, although if you look closely you can still see it. I originally did a powder blue lining but think I’m going to go back to white.

I’ve got an idea for a smaller coin purse that I need to work on this week. Since this came off the needle last week, I now need to get something else started. I have some lovely cobalt blue beads that I’ve been wanting to do a full-size purse with and I think I’m going to do one of the patterns out of the Lacis reprint of 2 1920’s beaded bag instruction books. I started it this morning but it may take a while! I’m working it with a cobalt blue crochet perlĂ© cotton size 8 thread and size 0000 needles. Like I said, it may take a while! Actually it’s just awkward right now because I started it with 8 stitches over 4 size 0000 double pointed needles. Anything that small is awkward at first but once I get some distance on it, it should go pretty quickly. I love the tone on tone effect so far.
I was also able to make great strides in my Fisherman’s Sweater. I’m testing the pattern I wrote to make sure I haven’t put in something too stupid (of course, I did so the exercise is worth it!). I’ve finished the front and back, which were the pieces with the cable stitch up the raglan shaping and am now about halfway through the first sleeve. I should be able to finish that tonight and maybe by the weekend I can do the collar section which is the part I most need to test on the pattern. It’s been quite interesting now that I’m getting more patterns written and ready for others to work on the discipline of getting the patterns right. I’m also going to work on some assorted sizes for this sweater, too, to add to the flexibility. I need to learn much more about that side of things and this will be a good chance to work things out. After all, other than the fact that it’s got a ‘fancy’ stitch, it’s a pretty basic sort of pattern.
Once I get the pattern worked out, it will be available for our Guild members but I’m also going to work out a way to get patterns out there for others to use. I’m still working on how I want to do that.
I was also very excited to get an email from a student in my recent sock class with a photo attached of her first completed sock (using my pattern, no less!). That’s the real pay-off, isn’t it, passing on the knitting bug!!
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