Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been spinning galore, just finishing 2 oz of a Merino/Yak mix which was quite a challenge. The yak is an extremely short fiber and the merino is a fairly long fiber so as I spun, the twist tended to go into the long fibers first. I had to pay close attention to keep the yak from clumping up. I spun it using double drive on very easy tension. The singles were spun 'z' and it was plied 's'. Got about 190 yards out of the 2 oz but now I need to figure out what to make with it!

I've finally gotten back to the Grooviness Purse. I'd run out of the green but found the right stuff in Jacksonville at the Sticks and Stones shop there. The crochet pattern gives such a fun texture. I still need to figure out what sort of closures I want to use. There're 3 pockets and I want each of them to have some sort of closure. I also need to figure out how I want to do the handles. I have to decide if I want to crochet them or use wooden store-bought handles. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it tomorrow or Friday.

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